

By 工具城市 2022-12-23


協商英文可以翻譯成 negotiate。例如:

  • We need to negotiate a deal that is fair for both sides.
  • The two companies are currently negotiating the terms of the contract.
  • The union is trying to negotiate better working conditions for its members.

如果你想要強調在協商過程中雙方的相互談判和妥協,也可以用 bargain 或者 haggle 這些動詞。例如:

  • They spent hours bargaining over the price of the car.
  • The seller tried to haggle with the buyer, but they eventually agreed on a price.



"經過雙方的協商,最終達成一致" 可以用英文表達為 "reach an agreement through negotiations between the two sides" 或者 "come to an agreement after negotiating with each other."


  • After weeks of negotiations, we were finally able to reach an agreement through negotiations between the two sides.
  • It took a lot of discussion and compromise, but we were able to come to an agreement after negotiating with each other.



"雙方協商一致" 可以用英文表達為 "come to an agreement through negotiations" 或者 "reach a consensus through negotiations."


  • After several rounds of negotiations, the two sides were able to come to an agreement.
  • It took some time, but we were finally able to reach a consensus through negotiations.



"經過與業主的協商" 可以用英文表達為 "after negotiations with the owner" 或者 "through negotiations with the owner."


  • We were able to come to an agreement on the terms of the contract after negotiations with the owner.
  • The tenant and landlord were able to resolve their dispute through negotiations with the owner.



"在平等、自願、協商一致的基礎上,達成如下協議" 可以用英文表達為 "The following agreement is reached on the basis of equality, voluntariness, and consensus through negotiations."


  • The following agreement is reached on the basis of equality, voluntariness, and consensus through negotiations between the two parties.
  • This agreement is the result of negotiations conducted on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and consensus.



協商函用英文可以稱作 a negotiating letter 或者 a letter of negotiation. 它通常是在談判或協商某些事項時發出的一封信,用來表明雙方的立場、談判的主題、條件或其他相關的事項。


  • We received a negotiating letter from the other company outlining their terms for the deal.
  • The union sent a letter of negotiation to the company, asking for better working conditions.


