

By 工具城市 2022-12-23


要用英語提問,您可以使用“What is”、“How do”、“Can you”、“Could you”或“Would you”等短語。 例如:

  • What is the capital of France?
  • How do I get to the nearest subway station?
  • Can you help me with this math problem?
  • Could you repeat that, please?
  • Would you mind if I ask you a question?

使用“Do you”來提問也很常見,尤其是當您要求確認或尋求是或否的答案時。 例如:

  • Do you speak English?
  • Do you know the way to the museum?
  • Do you have any plans for the weekend?

請記住在問題末尾使用問號 (?)



要表達“提出問題”或“提出討論話題”的概念,您可以使用名詞短語“questioning”。 例如:

  • The speaker opened the floor for questioning.
  • I'd like to begin by questioning the assumptions underlying this proposal.
  • His questioning of the government's policies sparked a heated debate.

您還可以使用動詞“raise”來表達提出問題或議題的意思。 例如:

  • I want to raise a point about the budget.
  • She raised the question of whether we should consider alternative solutions.
  • The chairman raised several issues that needed to be addressed.

或者,您可以使用動詞“ask”來描述提出問題的行為。 例如:

  • He asked a question about the schedule for the next meeting.
  • She asked whether there were any objections to the proposal.
  • They asked for clarification on the terms of the contract.



“From this perspective”或“From this aspect”都是“從這個角度來說”或“從這個方面來說”的英文譯法。 這些短語表明您正在考慮某種情況或問題的特定觀點或方面。 例如,你可能會說“從這個角度來看,解決方案似乎是合理的”,以表達你從特定角度考慮後對特定問題的看法。 或者,你可以說“From this aspect, the proposal has several advantages”,從特定的角度考慮後指出提案的積極方面。



要用英語主動提出建議,您可以使用動詞“to propose”或類似“to suggest”或“to put forward”的短語。 例如,您可以說“I propose that we meet at the park at 2pm”來提出建議或提供計劃。 或者,您可以說“I suggest that we try a different approach”來提供想法或建議以供考慮。 您也可以使用短語“to put forward”來表達一個想法或建議,例如“I would like to put forward a proposal for improving the company's sales strategy.”。 這些短語可用於在各種情況下積極建議或提議某事,無論您是向一群人提出建議還是向老闆提出想法。



英語中“to pose a question”有幾種表達方式:

  • "To ask a question"
  • "To inquire about something"
  • "To raise a question"
  • "To put forward a query"

例如,您可以說“I'd like to ask a question about the project timeline”來向某人提出有關特定主題的問題。 或者,您可以說“Can I inquire about the availability of the conference room?” 禮貌地詢問有關特定問題的信息或說明。 您還可以使用短語“to raise a question”來介紹您想要討論或探討的主題或問題,例如“I'd like to raise a question about the budget for next quarter.”。 最後,您可以使用短語“to proput a query”來正式提出一個問題以供考慮,例如“I would like to put forward a query about the team's progress on the project.”。


